About Us
Organic Pioneers
Chris Darling and Bart Arnst teamed up in 2007. They came together to create high-quality, organic wines under their own label.
Using only certified organic grapes, they strive to produce complex and textural wines that are perfect for any occasion. Their commitment to the environment is reflected in their choice to use organic grapes, which not only helps to limit the impact on the environment, but also results in wines of exceptional quality and traceability.
With over 50 years of combined winemaking experience, they are confident in their ability to create wines that can be enjoyed. The wines are certified organic by BioGro New Zealand, ensuring that you can trust in the integrity of every bottle.
They hope you enjoy the wines and the unique connection they offer to the earth and vineyard sites.
Chris Darling
Founder / Winemaker
Originally from Australia Chris has worked with both large and small wine companies throughout the world, including Australia, New Zealand, France, Greece and the Czech Republic. In 2003 he headed to Marlborough New Zealand with a vision of creating great cool climate organic wines.
Bart returned to New Zealand from European travels to train in viticulture and in 1996 began experimenting with organic grape growing.
This led to ground breaking research with Lincoln University on the use of Buckwheat as a planting to attract beneficial insect life. A natural pest control which is now widely practiced throughout the wine industry.
After being hired by Seresin Estate to convert their vineyards to organic he left in 2005 to provide a consultant service to those interested in organic change and has worked closely with a large percentage of the New Zealand organic winegrower sector.
Bart is a founding member of Organic Winegrowers of New Zealand (OWNZ) and has been on its executive committee since its inception. While also being the Programme coordinator of the hugely successful Organic and Biodynamic Wine Conference.
Bart Arnst
Founder / Viticulturist

One of our first growers. Tim, Sally and family live close to their organic vineyard which is now part of their daily life.
One of our first growers. Jacqui and Paul produce quality grapes and olives year on year. Their passion for their grapes shines through in our wines.
Biodynamicly certified since 1994 (Demeter), Green Ridge Estate is owned by Bill and Kay who tend to the their grapes and olives with care.